Girl Friday Maintenance Service
Girl Friday Maintenance Service
Take it all off your list and put it on ours
How do I know if my date is available?
We take bookings up to 2 years in advance, but can also take last minute bookings. Please email us to discuss availability.

Do all venues allow garden games?
Generally yes, however it is your responsibility to ensure your venue will allow them..

Are we restricted on time?
We try to be as accommodating as possible and you get them for the whole day.

What happens if it rains?
The booking is non-refundable. All of our games are coated with exterior varnish which protects them from the elements.
We would hope that you get some dry spells.
Quite a few of our games can be used indoors if your venue has space and allows them, so that is an option.

Are the games manned?
No. We set them up then leave you to enjoy your day.

Do you deliver or do we have to collect them?
We do everything for you.

Girl Friday Games do nottake responsibility for any damage or injury caused to any venue or person during the hire period.
By hiring our products, you agree to all terms and conditions and agree that the items are your responsibility until they are collected by us.